
The Port of Cadiz presents its facilities and services in the United States

  • Posted by admin
  • On 14 June, 2019
The Bay of Cadiz Port Authority will participate next week in a direct mission with the US logistics sector organised by Extenda. The Bay of Cadiz Port Authority (APBC) will present its facilities and services next week to US companies in the logistics sector within a direct mission organised by Extenda, in which the Bay […]
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FOCOMAR Project The Port Authority hosts a seminar on contracting, documentation and international freight transport agents

  • Posted by admin
  • On 12 June, 2019
The Confederation of Employers organizes training attended by 40 professionals in the sector The Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz has hosted in its facilities the seminar International Transport of Goods: contracting, documentation and agents, organized by the Confederation of Businessmen of Cadiz within the project FOCOMAR, an initiative of the Interreg Spain-Portugal Cooperation […]
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The Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz, present in Nor-Shipping

  • Posted by admin
  • On 4 June, 2019
The meeting is considered one of the main fairs of the naval sector and companies of complementary services of the world. The Bay of Cadiz Port Authority (APBC) is taking part today in the Nor-Shipping 2019 Fair, considered one of the biggest events in the naval sector and complementary services companies, which is being held […]
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The Port Authority receives the Fair Logistics Certification from the World Organization of Cities and Logistics Platforms

  • Posted by admin
  • On 24 May, 2019
It represents a tool to improve the competitiveness of trade and its fundamental mission is to improve the sustainability of transport and promote logistics platforms. The Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz has received the Fair Logistics Certification granted by the World Organization of Cities and Logistics Platforms (OMCPL) as a tool to improve […]
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Tonight starts the railway connection between Madrid and the Port of Cadiz

  • Posted by admin
  • On 10 May, 2019
The first train will arrive tomorrow at 7:23 a.m. at the logistics terminal in Jerez with cargo for the ships from the Canary Islands. At 21:30 this evening the railway connection between Madrid and the Port of Cadiz begins. The first train is scheduled to arrive tomorrow Saturday at 7:23 a.m. at the Jerez de […]
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