The Port Authority maintains its offer to purchase the land of Delphi

    The Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz (APBC) maintains the purchase offer, submitted more than two years ago, of the plot of 276,419 square meters in the Trocadero Industrial Estate, in Puerto Real, corresponding to the land occupied by Delphi.

    As will be recalled, in June 2017, the Board of Directors of the APBC gave the green light to the acquisition of the land, which had to be finally authorized by Puertos del Estado, according to article 44 of the Revised Text of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Marine for the sale of goods, which also applies to acquisitions.

    In this sense, the regulations require prior communication to the General Directorate of State Heritage and the conditions thereof must be authorized by State Ports, which happened in the month of January 2018.

    On 13 September 2019, the Port Authority formally reiterated its interest in the acquisition of the plot before the insolvency administrator, who replied on 18 September to the port body that on 12 March 2019 Delphi Automotive Systems España, S.L. and Ebion European Energy Network, S.L. signed a private contract for the purchase and sale of the plot for 6.54 million euros, pending public deed.

    Seven months have elapsed since the sale has not been notarised and the media have reported that the sale has not yet been formalised due to lack of financing. The APBC publicly reiterates its offer of the land and its economic capacity to assume the operation.

    The level of occupation of the public domain land in the La Cabezuela-Puerto Real dock, very close to this space, is close to saturation, so keeping the plot in disuse existing a firm purchase option does not make any sense or is explainable.

    In this sense, it is also important to highlight the importance of the Puerto Real pier in the port activity of the Bay: In 2019 La Cabezuela has increased up to 66 percent its specific weight on port traffic throughout the bay, despite still waiting for rail access and despite not having resolved today its future expansion, which can not be other than the land of Delphi and LOGICA (former Aletas), which also calls for an immediate resolution.

    From the port agency regrets having an industrial plot, on which there is a demand for activity, in disuse, as well as having to wait 10 years for the implementation of a vital infrastructure for which there is funding, only for a legal problem, as is the case of rail access.

    It should be remembered that the La Cabezuela-Puerto Real dock has moved up to September 2.2 million tons of goods of 3.3 million moved throughout the bay. It also has 160,000 square meters of warehouses for storage of goods and 135,000 cubic meters for storage of liquid bulks, all developed by private initiative, which has invested more than 100 million euros in the last 20 years.