Rafael Fernández, new president of the Association for the Promotion of the Port of Cadiz, Cadiz-Port

    Rafael Fernández Bernal, CEO of Bayport, was elected yesterday as the new president of the Association for the Promotion of the Bay of Cadiz Port, Cadiz-Port, replacing Bernardino Copano Gil, CEO of Bernardino Abad, who has remained in office for the last four years. He will be accompanied in the vice-presidency by Jaime Macpherson Grosso, manager of G. and J. Macpherson S.L., who will take over from Rafael Ponce Calvo, Pilots of Cádiz. Among the objectives achieved by the outgoing president is precisely the change of name of the association, which since yesterday was renamed Cadiz-Port in an attempt to facilitate its recognition and relationship with Cadiz in its purpose of national and international projection. Bernardino Copano thanked the partners for their support and the work carried out in the four years he has remained in office and acknowledged that “although progress has been made, there is still a long way to go”, entrusting this task to his successor, to whom he gave all his support. Rafael Fernández, for his part, sets as priority objectives to increase the number of partners and their proactivity, generate new links with Algeciras and, fundamentally, work on the projection and marketing so that Cadiz-Port is really a tool for promoting the port community in the Bay of Cadiz.